Welcome to New Hope Livestock Disaster Relief Division of
United Animal Industries!
We are a volunteer based group of neighbors helping neighbors across the country. For the last 30 years we have been Uniting teams of First Responders, Military and Civilians for the purposes of Livestock and other animal, Evacuation, (SAR) Search And Rescue, Relief & Recovery for the farmers and ranchers as well other animal bus. that are the backbone of America before during and after manmade and natural disasters.
We learned a few decades ago if we could work in unison with Operations of Emergency Management (OEM) to get a voluntary evacuation issued early for animal owners and help people with animals evacuate, we could save lives.
Most animal owners would not or could not evacuate due to their animals or they refused to leave them behind even if ordered to, causing many unnecessary fatalities. We learned based on statics that in fact we could not only save lives but also have less first responders at risk and spend less resources and man hours doing search and rescue by getting out ahead of a situation.
In 1993 we started a network of folks across the country that could help evacuate, people who had the necessary transport equipment, that are willing to help other in an emergency situation.
We facilitate fundraising for teams who have united, in an effort to help with equipment and fuel expenses to help those willing to help evacuate but not financially able to support the whole process. The nonprofit gives those watching the ability to help families and their animals remotely by donating and they can get a tax right off by doing so through us. As a nonprofit we are required to be transparent and have strict laws to follow that all donations must be allocated as the donor chooses and it is our honor to facilitate that.
We network with people and their animals, to get them to places like various venues, fair grounds or personal property offered by generous folks who have space in a safety zone that can facilitate a temporary stay for animals and their owners during their time of need.
We coordinate with state Agricultural Commissioners’ , Emergency Management or Forgotten Communities who give us a written invitation that is in need of assistance when we can, either boots on the ground, ourselves, with one or many of our teams or remotely.
We network with local fair grounds or venues as well as local veterinarians and colleges to facilitate Triage stations for those injured animals coming out of a disaster.
We coordinate and dispatch “Convoys of Hope” from out of state teams of drivers and donors when needed with supplies rallied by various teams directly to those in need when possible and if not logistically possible we educate the locals on how to efficiently set up a location for Livestock donation and how to facilitate properly working a Hub for receiving and distribution of said donation with proper chain of custody to help those affected with immediate essential needs for families affected and their animals so the animal rights folks can’t come in and claim neglect or abuse and steel their personal property over something they had zero control over.
We coordinate, dispatch the transport and return of the animals back home safely when the officials give the all clear to return to your home and network teams able to help with rebuilding from the losses
Help Ranchers and Farmers as well as other animal owners and enterprises during manmade and natural disasters
Join the Networking in phases of Evacuation, Search & Rescue, Relief & Rebuilding.
Use an appropriate form below to join our various task action teams & causes
Volunteers can help remotely and boots on the ground
Volunteer! Everyone Can Help with their area of Expertise! You can work from your living room Networking Remotely on social media, helping dispatch or making phone calls OR Join a Boots on the Ground Team to Deploy to affected areas in Need of Evacuation, Search And Rescue (SAR), Security, Transport Relief or Help with Recovery. You can Rally donations from your area and/ or Donate your time to Transport Essential Needs Donations, Manage or Volunteer at a Distribution Hub, Turn & Burn Drive from Hub to Ranchers and Farmers that are not semi accessible, Volunteer to Work Security at the Hubs. There is a job for everyone when we unite neighbors helping neighbors across the United States! United We Stand!
New Hope LDRD Assistance Request & Offer to Assist Form! Evacuation Transportation, Temporary Housing in Safe Zone with your animals & Relief Donations Transportation. This includes people with animals needing evacuation or rescue assistance AND folks who can offer assistance in evacuations, temporary housing, relief supplies or rebuilding efforts.
New Hope LDRD Boots On the Ground (BOG) Volunteer Form
New Hope LDRD Remote Volunteer Form
United Animal Industries w/ New Hope Livestock Disaster Relief Division & its various divisions to include “Hogs 4 Heroes”, “The New Hope Project” Veterans’ Working Ranch & Farm to Fork to Help Fight the War on Hunger, Boots to Business Agricultural Pilot Programs are all part of and included in the Non-Profit, 501(c)(3) organization.
Internal Revenue Code: EIN # 84-4977891 Registered in Texas.
Disclaimer- All Donations, In Kind Contributions & Sponsorships are Tax Deductable and you will get a receipt for fair market value for your taxes at years end.
Copyright © 1993 through 2023 All Right Reserved